Welcome to Innisfree on the Stillwater, located near Pleasant Hill Ohio.
The land here has been farmed since the early 1800s, and Innisfree on the Stillwater began in 1968 when Keba's parents purchased it from Mrs. Elizabeth Faulknor. Since then, it has transitioned from a bare patch of industrial tilled ground to 100 acres of organic tillage, 30 acres of woods and 30 acres of sustainable pasture ground. Dennis & Keba began their agriculture journey with traditional tillage and Angus beef cattle, and have transitioned to certified Organic corn and hay, and sustainable pastureculture using Kinder goats and Shetland wool sheep, and a flock of free-range chickens.
Dennis is a hopeful storyteller with a 20+ year background in Information Technology, including 15 years in the United States Air Force. He has also worked as an IT consultant and currently freelances as a writer, artist, philosopher, and technologist, as well as managing Innisfree. You can find out more about Dennis's undertakings at his website.
Keba is a second-generation farmer with 20+ years of experience in education including English as a Second Language, secondary and college Spanish, and college Humanities. Along with her work at Innisfree, she is a writer, potter and
fiber artist. Fiber and pottery items are available through
the Studio at Innisfree.
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